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Chief Kadhi announces Kenya Muslims to start observing holy month of Ramadhan Monday

Chief Kadhi Ahmed Muhdhar (right) with members of Wakf Commission at their offices in Mombasa on May 5, 2019. Sheikh Muhdhar has announced that Muslims will start observing holy month Ramadhan on Monday

Muslims in Kenya will start observing holy month of Ramadhan on Monday, Chief Kadhi Ahmed Muhdhar has announced.

Sheikh Muhdhar said the crescent moon, which signifies the beginning of the sacred month, was sighted in Hola, Tana River County.


“We received the news from a cleric called Said Jillo from Tana River and we want to announce that we will start our fasting tomorrow (Monday),” said Sheikh Muhdhar at the Wakf Commission offices in Mombasa on Sunday.

Countries like Saudia Arabia, Algeria, Qatar, Libya and Turkey will also start observing the holy month on Monday.

Ramadhan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is considered the holiest by Muslims.

The holy season lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on the lunar cycle. According to the Quran, Muslims are required to start the fast only after seeing the new moon.


Sheikh Muhdhar urged the faithful to be united as they start observing their fast and avoid anything that would interfere with their saum(fast).

“Unity and cohesion among all Kenyans is key to the development of our country. Ramadhan is a month of peace and we all need to practice it for the betterment of our country,” he said.