Government broke over graft with aborted rains; new year message

By David Mailu

Just in order to measure the degree of patriotism in this country I have been asking many citizens, “Can you die in defense of this nation?” The answer has been one quick and precise NO. The big answer is, “Because there is no cause for dying for the nation.”

Go to Japan, America, England, Israel, Portugal, Russia, Spain, France, Germany and ask the same question. You will get mobs of citizens crying, “Indeed, I can die for my country. Touch it and see what happens.”

The main reason why our people can’t die for the nation is because the governments have not shown any good reason why they should die for the country. The government has been the master and citizens have been slaves. What slave can die for the master?

In spite of how loudly we have just finished singing Happy New Year, in spite of the many prayers delivered to God to make the New Happy Year, 2019 year is going to be just like any other past year we welcomed with screams and fireworks. The term “year” is based on human mathematics, which do not influence forces of nature. Even during the Two World Wars people sang Happy New Year.

The sign of 2019 being bad year is that the rains have aborted while the government is nearly broke and irresponsible. As of now, from nearly every side, instead of people getting employed, they are being laid off. Vampires of miseries have multiplied. They have come for our blood. Employment and cost of living are in full gears.

Africans languages do not have definite words for politics and democracy. Money economy is an imported economic structure against what one may call livestock economy. That, in itself says a lot. However, it doesn’t mean Africans do not have political, democratic and economic thoughts. One can simplify this by using a proverb to say, what they eat in Whiteman’s world is not what is eaten in Blackman’s world. Furthermore, the way the two communities eat is and should be different. But both communities eat any way; with the understanding that neither eats better than the other. That is where we should begin the argument regarding political perceptions.

The other day we heard about the Pakistan former Prime Minister being sentenced to serve prison for corruption that he had done while in office. We have heard of European Presidents and Prime Minister being indicted for corruption. How come we haven’t heard something like in Africa, yet African countries boast of being democratic? The first case we are hearing in in South Africa, with President Zuma.

If for more than half a century no President or minister has been imprisoned for corruption, what kind of democracy are we practicing? Ask Kenyans who have been stealing. They know them all, but they keep quiet about it, indirectly endorsing continuation of thought. French people are on streets demanding either resignation of the President or reduction of petrol prices. Since the Second World War, German authorities are still hunting down NAZI killers of Adolf Hitlers regime. Korea Prime Minister was forced to resign for corruption. Japanese Prime Ministers would be forced to resign and get prosecuted if implicated in any corruption.

In other words, out there they know how to destroy their thieves while our governments know how to protect thieves and even give them shelter to steal more as the nation watches desperately. And if you dare raise your voice, they come for you. That is, stealing is institutionalized by the government.

Can you imagine how people in the Whiteman’s nation would react if the following “mobile offload in circulation in the social media” took place in one of the nations? All this, quoted in bracket, is an example of typical African stuff:

((Following this wrangle over the KANU newspaper, Mboya has recently expressed to a small group of his associates his anxiety with regard to the present situation within KANU and in particular his personal relationship with Kenyatta. He admitted to having quarreled with him on several occasions during the past few weeks and claimed that affairs had reached the stage where a “show-down” between himself and Kenyatta seemed not only probable but also desirable. Mboya told his friends that he had discovered that Kenyatta had deposited the sun of 100,000 pounds in a Swiss bank, and furthermore, that 2,500 pounds given to Kenyatta by the Ethiopian authorities as a contribution to Famine Relief Fund in Kenya, had also found its way into Kenyatta’s personal account. Mboya gave the impression that much of this may have been for use by KANU itself))

Even if the above was put on a bill board in the city centre, people would just read it and pass. Why? In Whiteman’s world this would create chaos because the public would demand, at whatever cost, that government should to be forced to account for that. Tom Mboya and President Jomo Kenyatta had that confrontation in 1960s, nearly half a century ago. It looks the more we live the more the desire to steal increases. Mboya’s lamentation was addressing the planting of the culture of corruption. He was gunned down in the street by hired government hit men.

Going by what we see today, we can now talk about the thief industry, where someone can become a millionaire over a night. How the stealing industry has invaded NYS and got away with billions, thieves in State House, thieves in Kenya Petroleum Corporation, thieves in Police Forces, thieve in Kenya Lighting Company, thieves in government tendering, thieves in importing fake goods, thieves in Kenya Parliament, thieves in importing sugar, thieves in importation of maize, thieves in importation of fake fertilizers, thieves in maize importation, thieves in civil service, thieves in Ministry of Health, Ministry of Sports, thieves in judiciary, thieves even in churches which have become dens of fake priests, self-proclaimed pastors and prophets – ENDLESS! God, where are we going from here? Nearly all wealthy people in this nation have had links with the government. It is awfully lucrative to be a big man in government where you are very well-paid to literally steal for yourself.

What many people do not seem to be aware of is that the government has no money of itself. People are the source of government’s money. It is people who make government go about its business. Without people the government is broke. The more people are taxed the more money government gets. The government borrows money on people’s behalf.

Who then should be responsible for the oversight of spending of that money? The President is there as a servant of people. In traditional Africa kings used to be hanged when they outlived their purpose; but not in the present world because we are democratic even when the government rapes and fucks up the nation. Guns which are being used in the publicized extra-judicial killing are bought with the money of the people. People’s suffering without bitterness, people’s silence, people’s passive stand and people’s irresponsibility – all are arming the government with more materials for exploiting the mass.

People who work in downtown and populated places know the wrath of what is commonly known as mob justice. If you steal in their eyes or commit a heinous crime before their eyes, they do not need any permission from anyone to kill you and even set your body on fire. This is why criminals keep their skin off and know how to behave among crowded places.

People have propensity for doing bad things for self-gains. The reason why people in governments are stealing in broad light and getting away with murders is because the nation’s mob justice is sleeping. In other places, that mob justice is called public demonstration. Our regimes have learnt that they can rob citizens and get away with murder because citizens don’t engage mob justice. Until and unless citizens confront the government with terror demanding their rights, the government will be at liberty do whatever it wants.

It is strange, irresponsible of citizens to keep quiet and continue seeing civil servants destroying the nation’s hope. When that incredible evil thing regarding sugar importation was announced and people were warned that they are consuming poisoned sugar, the mass has remained silent. What have we done other than keeping silent to continue suffering without bitterness?

The Rift Valley people, led by activists such as Keter and others, have been crying regarding the national maize scandal. Some of them have come out boldly demanding that the Director of Prosecution should arrest Deputy President, William Ruto, for being behind the maize scandal and fake fertilizer. What happened when DPP remained silent? Silence. Was there any terror demonstration from those farmers demanding justice? NO. Has the mob justice done anything? NO. Who is going to benefit from their silence?

It is only the mwananchi who can cause the revolution desired to bring to an end the industry of stealing. Why has there been no mass action demanding imprisonment of these thieves? The answer is simply. The thieves are in total control. They have the means of silencing anyone. It is harvest time in this part of the world because justice terrorists are sleeping.

The constitution is saying that authority vested in citizens. Stop praying. We have been praying since independence time but things have been worsening. Try a different approach. Citizens should now take charge. They should take up arms through mob justice and save themselves from being driven into dungeons of miseries year in year out. For the new year, let us see whether this will fall into deaf ears as usual.

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