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Kenya records 1,459 Covid-19 new cases, 17 deaths


Another high number of positive Covid-19 cases have been recorded in the country after 1,459 people were confirmed positive in the last 24 hours. 

This is by far the third-highest number of cases to be recorded since the onset of the pandemic, and is drawn from a sample size of 10,146.

The cumulative tests so far shows that the country is only about 200, 000 shy of the one million mark for tests conducted in the country.

The latest cases comprise 1,419 Kenyans and 40 foreigners, of whom 835 are male and 624 female. The youngest is a four-month old infant, while the oldest is 97.

There are presently 7,348 active cases of Covid-19 in the country, most of whom are on home-based care with only 1,116 patients admitted in various health facilities in the country.


A similar pattern has been recorded in the number of recoveries, with the majority drawn from the home-based care plan.


At the same time. Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe has announced that 780 patients have tested negative, bringing the tally of recoveries in the country to 50,658.

The patients who have recovered in the last 24 hours comprise 690 from home-based care and 90 who have been discharged from various hospitals.

Fatalities in the country have risen to 1, 330 with 17 more deaths reported in the last 24 hours.

The cases reported in each county were as follows:

Nairobi 472, Kiambu 311, Mombasa 108,  Laikipia 63, Uasin Gishu 53,  Busia 49,  Kisumu 48, Meru 43, Nakuru 36,Kericho 33,  Kisii 29, Kakamega 29,  Marsabit 17, Muranga 16, Nyamira 16, Kajiado 15, Garissa 13, Nandi 12, Kitui 12,  Nyeri 11, Machakos 11, Siaya 10 and Bungoma 10.

More cases reported in Turkana 8,  Kirinyaga 8, Kilifi 6, Bomet 5,  Trans Nzoia 4, Homabay 3,  Makueni 2, Taita Taveta 2,  Kwale 1, Isiolo 1 and Tharaka Nithi 1.