President Uhuru Kenyatta, ODM leader Raila Odinga and Wiper's Kalonzo Musyoka during a past event in Kisii.
President Uhuru Kenyatta, ODM leader Raila Odinga and Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka during a past event in Kisii/Image: FILE

The government has sought to adjust upwards pension perks paid to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.

The adjustments would be on top of the Sh594 million the two were allocated in the current financial budget, being a plum share of this year’s Sh785 million budget for retired state officers.

The two leaders have been allocated Sh200 million each in gratuity as former Prime Minister and former Vice President respectively.

The State had also granted the duo annual pensions of Sh25 million each, translating to about Sh2 million per month.

Treasury has sought to adjust the perks upwards to fund Raila and Kalonzo’s cost of operations, ostensibly to help them move around the country to market the BBI.

Supplementary Estimates 1 before the National Assembly shows that the two leaders are set to get expanded benefits that were not catered for when Treasury unlocked their pensions.

The estimates show that the State is expanding the ODM leader’s allocations by Sh7 million in a budget rationalisation that has seen some State agencies lose cash.

Following the adjustment, taxpayers will meet Raila’s budget for operations at Sh1.2 million for utilities supplies and services—water and electricity.

MPs have been asked to approve Sh1.2 million for communication services; Sh4.8 million for domestic travel and subsistence and other transportation costs.

Raila would also, if MPs approve the estimates, be entitled to Sh75,000 for printing, advertising, and information supplies; Sh10 million for rent; Sh125,000 for training expenses; Sh1.5 million for routine maintenance, and Sh4.1 million for hospitality.

The ODM leader’s budget for fuel has also increased by Sh1 million to a new figure of Sh2.5 million. The former PM was allocated Sh1.5 million for fuel in the current budget.

Treasury has also allocated Sh15 million for purchase of vehicles—although a reduction from the Sh26 million he was apportioned in the 2021-22 approved estimates.

Kalonzo has been allocated Sh1.4 million for utilities—water and electricity supplies.

Another Sh1.5 million is proposed for communication services; Sh6.5 million for domestic travel, subsistence and other transportation costs.

The State would also cater for the former Vice President’s rent at Sh10 million; Sh150,000 for meeting training expenses; Sh5.5 million for hospitality—to entertain guests, and Sh1.5 million for office supplies.

Kalonzo’s budget for fuel has also been increased by Sh1 million up from Sh1.5 million that was allocated in the budget for this year.

He is also set for a benefit of Sh1.5 million for routine maintenance of other assets. The Wiper leader’s budget for purchase of vehicles has, however, been reduced to Sh5.1 million.

Budget records show that payment and administration of retired presidents’ benefits have cost the taxpayer above Sh5 billion for the past five years.

A review of spending from 2015 to 2020 showed that more than Sh2.3 billion has gone into administrative costs expended by the headquarters.

There is equally a curios upward adjustment of Sh98 million to the headquarters to cater for government pension and retirement benefits.

On the flip side, Deputy President William Ruto is poised to lose Sh1.4 million which is part of allocation for furniture and equipment; his press team as well as printing.

State House is set to get Sh561 million more compared with the budget approved in June, a chunk being Sh400 million for other operating expenses.

An additional Sh122.4 million has been proposed for pension and benefits, probably for retiring State House staff; and Sh15.2 million for machinery.

State lodges are set for budget cuts and so is the case of the Presidential Strategic Communications Unit which is tipped to lose Sh7.9 million.

The office of the First Lady and that of the DP’s spouse are proposed to shed off Sh1.4 million each, while the office that coordinates Parliament affairs will have to make do without Sh2 million allocated this fiscal year.

The directorate of remote sensing and surveys will now be funded at Sh77 million in the proposed estimates.

President Uhuru’s administration has also proposed Sh76 million more for Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital and another Sh54 million for Mutuini Hospital.

Treasury has also sought to allocate Sh481 million for the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS)—popularly known as Huduma Namba, to fund the Data Commissioner’s office.

Sh4.1 million would go towards communication; Sh35 million for domestic travel; Sh188 million for hospitality services; and Sh137 million for general office supplies among others.

Nacada is set to lose Sh100 million of its share; Sh200 million for DCI field services, while Sh900 million is set to be deducted from the AP training college’s allocation.

Allocation for subcounty infrastructure protection unit has also been reduced by Sh3.2 billion, monies whose chunk would be reallocated to divisional police services for salaries and allowances.