50,000 new jobs in the Boda Boda Industry

Honda Kenya chairman Dr Isaac Kalua (Centre seated) during a stakeholders forum/ PHOTO/COURTESY

The Boda Boda Industry through Honda Kenya has announced the creation of 50,00 jobs.

The announcement was made by Honda Kenya Chairman Dr Isaac Kalua who at the same time called for The ultimate National Dialogue on Boda Boda Industry in Kenya.

“We are proud of these jobs because they have been created though Honda’s top Japanese R&D experts who designed, tested and produced the first ever motorbike made for Kenya, in Kenya”. said Kalua on Wednesday.

He said the process took 156 weeks to be achieved on Kenyan soil, adding as a result Honda Kenya continues to achieve and celebrate its ultimate goal of empowering its joyous customers.

Whenever you site a Honda Boda Boda rider always remember that it is not just a mere person on a Motorcycle, No! There is a BIG SUCCESS STORY behind the wheels, he added.

The 50,000 customers, Dr Kalua declared are now able to earn at least Kshs 30,000 per month, noting each of these individuals support the livelihoods of 8 people and therefore Honda Kenya now prides in supporting the livelihoods of r400,000 Kenyans and counting…..

The beneficiaries, he said are mainly young people who would otherwise be involved in negative activities dangerous to the environment and the society in general.

Dr Kalua said Honda Kenya continues to champion road safety through the professional assembly of reliable products, training on riding skills and reiteration of the National Transport and safety Authority (NTSA) road safety regulations.

Disclosing that every Motorcycle Assembler has a story to tell, Dr Kalua said accordingly, The Motorcycle Assemblers Association of Kenya calls for a national dialogue around mainstreaming of the Boda Boda Industry into the transport sector. This may ring fence the tangible 700,000 direct jobs in this sector, he added.

The Honda Chairman said the Boda Boda Champions live in fear about their fate despite making 25.2 million rides daily as they transport Kenyans.

Dr Kalua also cites questions to stimulate the discussions during a National Dialogue;

1. Has riding of Boda Boda been officially treated as a profession in Kenya?

2. Do we have a centre that trains riders and Matatu drivers on various aspects including ethics?

3. Now that we have the traffic regulations, why don’t we give NTSA sufficient funding to implement?

4. If funds are required to support the sector’s existence, do we have budgets alighted for that?

5. Do we appreciate that the riders make Kshs 700million per day, which amounts to Kshs 252 Billion per year? They support therefore the livelihoods of 5.6 Million Kenyans?

6. Do we have a policy and tax regime that can be suggested for Boda Boda industry so that the players can pay and have their jobs secured through training on safety insurance and much more?

7. Safety starts at the assembly point. Do we have regulations that ensure Kenyans are secure as the bikes leave our various assembly plants?

8. Do we appreciate that the Assemblers currently employ at least 3,000 Kenyans?

9. Do we further appreciate that with the suggested localization program our local Parts manufacturers are able to employ a further 3,000 Kenyans am from the inception ?

10. Do we appreciate that with good working relationship with the Government the Boda Boda sector have always added tremendous value to our security teams?

He said these are only 10 out of a possible 50 questions that if answered may transform millions of lives even as our Nation Powers The Dreams of our Big 4 Agenda.

“I now ask you. Is this a subject worth Kenyan’s valuable time? Can someone take it up albeit in a small way? The journey is long and therefore each little step matters……”, he concluded


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