Co-operative Bank is offering a variety of investment and consulting services

A co-op bank staff offers consultancy services to client/Photo/Courtesy

By Reporter

The Cooperative Bank has invested heavily in providing a variety of investment and consulting services to it’s customers.

The services are offered through Co-op Trust Investment Services Limited (CISL) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited. It has no foreign shareholding.

“We are capitalized at Ksh 306 million and manage assets in excess of Ksh 102 billion as at 31 December 2019.

Being part of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited, CISL benefits from access to the deep pool of resources for more effective delivery of clients’ objectives and at the same time, ensuring best industry practices are upheld”, the bank says.

Services offered through Co-op Trust Investment Services Limited include Co-op Trust Wealth Management Services and stock trading and advisory services through Kingdom Securities.

The Co-op Trust Wealth Management Services targets high net worth individuals or organizations who have short to medium (periodic or lump sum term) funds which require to be invested for short and/or fixed periods of time. 

The service is designed to take into account the following: 

  1. The unique cash flow profile of the individuals or organization
  2. The need to ensure moderate to low investment risk 

The investments in this product are designed to match the projected cash flow profile of the client.

Common tools used, according to the Bank’s updates include, a mix between treasury bonds and term deposits, pre-negotiated short term funding arrangements with banks and other cash flow management tools.

The bank is also offering wealth management services categorized as risk management, investment approach and research function.

“The research department also closely monitors the interest rates, inflation and T/Bill and enables the Investment Managers to make timely decisions when it comes to bond trading”, notes the update.

To activate the services, the client enters into a Wealth Management agreement with Co-op Trust Investment Services Limited whose details are provided at Bank’s website.

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