Envoy Kilonzo says Governor Ngilu’s administration has failed

Ambassador Kiema Kilonzo addressing mourners during the burial of Lemmy Mbiti in Matinyani on Saturday August 29, 2020/Photo/COURTESY.
By Corresondent
Kenya’s High Commissioner to Uganda, Kiema Kilonzo has faulted Kitui Governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu’s administration for failing to address challenges facing the residents.
Ambassador Kilonzo accused Ngilu of failing to address her campaign pledges to the electorate three years down the line.
“It unfortunate that the residents of Kitui have been left on their own after what the current governor promised during the 2017 General Elections campaigns has not been implement. Be it in agriculture, health, water or roads, nothing seems working”, Kilonzo said.
The High Commissioner who has declared to contest Kitui Gubernatorial seat in 2022 said he was ready and determined to take over leadership of the County to make things move in the right direction.
He made the remarks when he addressed mourners during the burial of Lemmy Mbiti at Matinyani in Kitui West Constituency on Saturday.
Ambassador Kilonzo said the Kitui County Administration has been held hostage by outsiders and wondered why local professionals have been kept in the periphery.

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