Fuel prices shoot up on high import bill


By Reporter

Kenyans will pay more for fuel from Saturday after the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) Friday announced higher prices.

The price of a litre of super petrol and diesel rose by Sh3.47 and Sh2.76 respectively.

Meanwhile, the price of kerosene rose by Sh18.20, which was the highest.

The new prices will take effect from midnight and will remain in force until September 14.

In Nairobi, motorists will pay Sh103.95 and Sh94.63 for a litre of Super petrol and diesel respectively, and Sh83.65 for kerosene.

Those in Mombasa will pay the least for fuel in the country, with a litre of petrol retailing at Sh101.57, diesel at Sh92.26 and kerosene at Sh81.29.

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Moyale residents will pay the highest prices, with a litre of petrol going for Sh123.06, diesel for Sh115.17 and kerosene for Sh116.82.

“The changes in this month’s prices are as a consequence of the average landed cost of imported super petrol increasing by 14.18 percent from US$279.58 per cubic metre in June 2020 to US$319.23 per cubic metre in July 2020. Diesel increasing by 10.30 percent from US$302.15 per cubic metre to US$333.27 per cubic metre and Kerosene increasing by 127.87 percent from US$126.39 per cubic metre to US$288.01 per cubic metre,” EPRA said in a press statement.

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