Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, ODM leader Raila Odinga, Narok Governor Samuel Tunai and former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth at the thanksgiving ceremony of Anglican Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit .
POWER LINEUP: Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, ODM leader Raila Odinga, Narok Governor Samuel Tunai and former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth at the thanksgiving ceremony of Anglican Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit/Photo/File

Kanu chairman Gideon Moi has said a super coalition is being forged to face off with Deputy President William Ruto in 2022. He called it a “bullet”.

The Baringo senator said that ongoing talks will ensure the country’s six bigwigs forge a strong vehicle to produce the fifth president, succeeding Uhuru Kenya.

Gideon, the scion of former President Daniel Moi, said the team to be birthed after the Building Bridges Initiative referendum will travel the rest of the journey to the August 22 General Election.

“We have a journey. The first journey is to ensure BBI is passed and support President Uhuru Kenyatta,” Gideon told a gathering of Kanu members in Samburu on Saturday. Gideon speech was broadcast live and shared in a WhatsApp group.

He said they are friends with ODM chief Raila Odinga, ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi, Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka, Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetang’ula and Council of Governors chairman Wycliffe Oparanya of Kakamega.

Gideon, the Kanu boss, is the sixth member of the future coalition.

“We are a huge team and we are all on the same journey… And about the future, don’t worry, we will produce one bullet. The bullet will lead us. We don’t fear,” he stated. 

The BBI Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 has proposed the creation of the position of a prime minister and two deputies, as well as the existing president and deputy president’s posts.

Some Cabinet ministers will also be picked from amongst members of the National Assembly. This would make it easy for presidential candidates to share out top positions among regional kingpins.

The question complicating the touted coalition, however, is who will take which position.

Already, Mudavadi has said he will settle for nothing less than president.

Both Raila and Gideon are the two leading lights in the Uhuru succession matrix and the Star has learnt that the Kenyatta family is working on a formula to have them on one ticket in 2022.

The two have not formally declared their candidature, but in the last few months their heightened political activities have left little doubt about their plans.

It is understood President Kenyatta is torn between which of the two should assume his mantle.

On one hand, it was Raila who entered into a handshake with him in March 2018 and the two are the brains behind the push to amend the 2010 Constitution to expand the Executive.

Considering the support the former Prime Minister has given to President Kenyatta, he is widely expected to return the favour and endorse him.

Uhuru is under pressure from Kikuyu elders – who have held several strategy meetings with Raila – to endorse the ODM chief as away of settling a historical debt between his father Jomo Kenyatta and Raila’s father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

Raila’s father served as Jomo vice president but the pair fell out and Jaramogi quit in 1966, sparking a political rivalry that persisted between the Luo and Kikuyu over the years.

On the other hand, Gideon is looking to Uhuru to endorse him in return of what Mzee Moi did for the young Kenyatta.

Moi brought Uhuru into the political limelight in 2001 by nominating him to Parliament and subsequently appointing him to the Cabinet as the Local Government minister.

In 2002, he picked Uhuru as his preferred successor.

Uhuru and his family have over time been very supportive of Gideon, and by extension, the greater Moi family.

ANC deputy party leader Ayub Savula confirmed talks are ongoing between Gideon, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula.

He said, however, he is not aware if the same conversation is being held with other politicians.

“Things are taking shape behind the scenes and in the months to come, Kenyans will be able to see the direction we will take. It will be a strong alliance. 

The Lugari MP said Gideon and Mudavadi have already agreed they will jointly support an ANC candidate in the by-election in Matungu constituency, Kakamega. Then ANC will support a Ford Kenya candidate in a similar poll in Kabuchai constituency.

“We have spoken with Gideon and we have agreed to work as a strong team. Our candidate will triumph,” he said.

Tiaty MP William Kamket said Uhuru, Gideon, Raila, Kalonzo, Mudavadi, Wetang’ula and other politicians are working together on the succession plan.

Gideon’s close ally said it will depend on who among the five the President will select as his successor.

“President Kenyatta is at liberty to support anyone to succeed him. If we’re lucky enough to earn his support, that would be an added advantage. But we’re not resting on our laurels waiting for endorsement. The final and most important endorsement is by the people of Kenya,” Kamket told the Star on the phone.

“As a Kanu member and a resident of Baringo, my first port of call is my party leader and neighbour, Gideon Moi,” he said.

He said the team that has come together to first ensure BBI sails through will also slam the brakes on Ruto’s brigade.

“That is the political formation pre, through and post BBI. It is the formation that has naturally come about to stop an insidious, divisive, theft-prone group called Tangatanga from misleading our youth and country,” he said.

Ruto allies dismissed the coalition, calling it ‘an inconsequential grouping of the dynasties’.

Kimilili MP Didmas Barasa said the 2022 presidential race will have dynasties on one hand and hustlers on the other.

“Kenyans have advanced. Those who still believe in tribal formations are living in the past. Gideon and Raila can collect as many political rejects as they want.

“We the hustlers are ready to face them. They may have money but we have God and the ordinary Kenyans who are tired by being used by these dynasties,” he said.

Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua asked why Raila has been visiting the homes of individuals in Mt Kenya instead of seeking to address the people.

He said Raila is against most of the things the people of vote- rich Central region want and are being championed by Ruto.

“Raila has the democratic right to move and seek votes anywhere in the Republic of Kenya. However, he should be made aware we already have our candidate in William Samoei Ruto.

“Raila is against harambees, building churches and other development projects that Ruto supports,” Gachagua told the Star.

“Now that elections are around the corner and the very same people who have been criticising DP’s engagement with the people, the DP who has been bringing us projects, are coming to ask for votes. NO way. We are passed that,” the MP said.