Breakthrough as Kitui County government prepares to treat heart patients

By Governor’s Press Service

KITUI County Referral Hospital is set to attain a milestone in the management of heart diseases for the County residents and Kenyans in general.

This follows Governor Kaluki Ngilu’s fruitful talks Tuesday with World Medical Relief Centre President Dr. George Samson to explore the possibility of conducting advanced heart procedures at the hospital. The governor made an extensive tour of the Centre to see for herself the various Pace Makers at the the World Medical Relieve Centre, in Michigan – USA.

Governor Ngilu, flanked by her Chief Officer for Health and Sanitation Dr Richard Muthoka discussed the possibility of implanting pace makers on patients with Congestive Heart Failure at the Kitui Hospital. Pace Makers are devices placed in patients to assist the heart attain regular hear beats and sustain normal life to its users. Pace Makers are also used by patients with other related heart conditions.

Governor Ngilu has placed Healthcare as the second Pillar of her five point manifesto after Food and Water. The others are Education and Youth Development, Women Empowerment and Wealth Creation,

On September 21 2018, the Governor launched the county’s Universal Health Care plan known as the Kitui County Health Insurance Cover(KCHIC), whose enrollment to date has hit the 100,000 mark, signaling an overwhelming support of the initiative by residents.

This follows Governor Kaluki Ngilu’s fruitful talks yesterday with World Medical Relief Centre President Dr. George Samson to explore the possibility of conducting advanced heart procedures at the hospital. The governor made an extensive tour of the Centre to see for herself the various Pace Makers at the the World Medical Relieve Centre, in Michigan – USA.

Governor Ngilu, flanked by her Chief Officer for Health and Sanitation Dr Richard Muthoka discussed the possibility of implanting pace makers on patients with Congestive Heart Failure at the Kitui Hospital. Pace Makers are devices placed in patients to assist the heart attain regular hear beats and sustain normal life to its users. Pace Makers are also used by patients with other related heart conditions.

Governor Ngilu has placed Healthcare as the second Pillar of her five point manifesto after Food and Water. The others are Education and Youth Development, Women Empowerment and Wealth Creation,

On September 21 2018, the Governor launched the county’s Universal Health Care plan known as the Kitui County Health Insurance Cover(KCHIC), whose enrollment to date has hit the 100,000 mark, signaling an overwhelming support of the initiative by residents.


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