Government stops house demolitions in Nairobi

The demolitions begun on Tuesday morning.


The government on Thursday suspended the demolition of houses in Nairobi County 48  hours since the exercise had began.

The damage is already done, but Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua who stopped the exercise seems trying to salvage some spilt milk.

The question now is what happens to families whose houses were demolished 24 or 48 hours ago?

The excavators descended on buildings at Nyama Villa Estate in Kayole, Nairobi estate Tuesday morning forcing residents to try secure some of their valuables from their houses.

There was heavy police presence to ensure flattening of the structures is not disrupted.

During the exercise Embakasi Central Member of Parliament Benjamin Gathiru was arrested after he attempted to stop the ongoing.

The MP is said to have demanded to be given an eviction notice after residents complained that they were not informed of the impending demolitions.

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