Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka at a funeral service on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.
Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka at a funeral service on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

Ukambani political rivals Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua have set aside their differences and agreed to work together to unite the community.

The two leaders met for the first time since their announcement of unity in Machakos during the funeral of businessman Mulwa Kangaatu in Mananja on Tuesday.

Mutua said he is ready to work with every political leader from Ukambani.

The governor dismissed as propaganda claims he had referred to Kalonzo as an ‘expired’ leader.

“I assure you that I will be working with Stephen Kalonzo just like how I have been working with President Uhuru Kenyatta for the benefit of our people because that’s what is important,” Mutua said.

He said the Building Bridges Initiative was meant to unite Kenyans and it will help end corruption.

The two leaders said they will support each other in their bid to become President.

Kalonzo said he will lead the region in negotiating for the best in the BBI.

He said the unity will open doors for development in the region.

” From now on, this region will be speaking in one voice. So let’s not hate each other and instead support one another,” said Kalonzo.

He criticised his opponents who said he had nothing to offer.

“I mean well with you all. I have no grudge with anybody I sincerely forgave you. For Honorable Ngilu and Kivutha, i have no issues with you. Let’s work together instead,” he added.

He however urged former Senator Johnson Muthama to support him and the BBI as well.

Muthama ignored Kalonzo’s remarks and instead warned Kenyans against blindly supporting the BBI, saying it might be used by a few elites in the government.

“BBI is not after uniting Kenyans and those who are lying to us that they want unity, let them unite the Tangatanga and Kieleweke people who were a part of Jubilee political party. Let them lead by example. Kenyans should be careful not to support it blindly. Let’s unite because we don’t want any more fights,” he said.