Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper to appoint team for referendum

Former Vice President and Wiper Leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Thursday convened party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting and supported constitutional amendments through a referendum.

Consequently the party agreed to put up a working committee to come up with solid recommendations on the reforms desirable for this country.

The meeting also endorsed resolutions of just concluded Koma 11 Wiper Convention that was convened by former Machakos Senator and business tycoon Johnson Nduya Muthama.

Below is the full statement outlining what was discussed and agreed at the meeting.


The Wiper Democratic Movement-Kenya, having met today at Wiper House in Karen, resolved as follows:

1.     THAT we appreciate the large turnout at KOMA II Convention and we fully associate ourselves with the Convention’s resolutions, key among them is firmly standing with H.E. Kalonzo Musyoka in his desire to reach out to other regions of this country in readiness for 2022.

2.     THAT we resolve to support Constitutional Referendum that will promote cohesion, inclusivity and unifying the country. In that respect, the party will put up a working committee to come up with solid recommendations on the reforms desirable for this country.

3.     THAT the party will strengthen our presence in all counties by putting in place grassroots mechanisms geared towards 2022. As a party, we have mandated our women and youth leagues to mobilize women and youth, respectively, in large numbers.

4.     THAT we fully support our Party Leader’s resolve to explore an expanded Coalition with other political parties, including the ruling Jubilee Party, as we prepare for the 2022 General Election.

5.     THAT we call upon Kenyans to take active participation in the coming National Census to ensure that resources of this country are equitably distributed.

6.     THAT, as a party, we must reclaim the Embakasi South parliamentary seat through Hon. Julius Mawathe. In this regard, we call upon our supporters and friends to turn out in large numbers to help reclaim this very important party seat.

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