MP arrested for removing police road block

A police road block

Igembe south MP John- Paul Mwirigi was on Monday arrested for allegedly removing a police road block erected along Meru-Mikinduri-Maua road to nab traffic offenders.The MP was arrested in the evening at Kiguchwa in Tigania Central and taken to Mikinduri police station. By the time of going to press Mwirigi was still being held.

Tigania Central Administration Police commander, John Munyoki said they took the action after the MP harassed the officers manning the road blocked and ordered them to leave after he remove the spikes from the road. 

He said at around 10:30 am the MP first appeared accompanied my boda boda operators before re-appearing again at 4pm.

“We had erected the road blocks since the michuki rules were re-introduced and we had officers on duty to ensure sanity in the roads. However today we got information from the four officers who were at the road block that Igembe South MP had appeared and instructed them to leave the place as he attempted to remove the spikes,” Munyoki said.

After removing the spikes police said Mwirigi left but re- appeared again at another road block and ordered police again to remove the spikes.

“At this time our officers were able to block his vehicle and we arrested him. We do not know what the issue he had with the road block since nobody else had complained over it,” the officer added.

Munyoki said the MP could face two counts for incitement and breaking traffic rules.

The MP was among the leaders, Mpuru Aburi (EALA), Rahim Dawood (North Imenti) and Moses Kirima (Imenti Central) who had on Friday held protests over ongoing enforcement of traffic rules.

They stormed the county police headquarters where they lectured at senior police officers before addressing the operators.

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