Wiper allows Kalonzo to seek coalition

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka was on Friday given a go a head to form a formidable coalition before 2022 when he would be seeking presidency of this country.

Addressing the Wiper Convention also attended by Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko, Kajiado Central ODM MP Memusi Kanchori and Jubilee nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura, Kalonzo said he would seek an indivisible coalition with Jubilee, ODM, Ford Kenya and ANC.

Below are the agreements of the convention read out by Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jrn.


We as Leaders drawn from the South Eastern Kenya region, and with the backing of our supporters throughout Kenya, hereby resolve as follows:
THAT we fully support H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta in the fight against corruption and the Big 4 Agenda. In this regard, we are standing with the President to achieve and actualize the dreams and aspirations of every Kenyan by giving them hope for a better future by eliminating poverty, improving on education and housing and ensuring affordable health care for all Kenyans.
THAT we fully support the Building Bridges Initiative as we believe it offers a great opportunity for an all-inclusive and ONE KENYA
THAT we support Constitutional amendments that will bring equity, unity, harmony and true justice among all Kenyans.
THAT we must end unnecessary politicking. The politicking season is over and it is time we delivered on the promises we made to Kenyans during the campaign season.
THAT, in spite of the call to end politicking, we mandate our Majority Leaders in the three Counties of Kitui, Machakos and Makueni to sit down with their respective Governors, for the sake of development. However, this should not come at the expense of matters oversight in the said Counties.
THAT, given the exorbitant cost of living that is currently making life unbearable to most Kenyans, we must all come together and strive to work for the betterment of the economy, so as to uplift the living standards of all Kenyans.
THAT, our diversity and quest for political supremacy should not divide Kenyans along ethnic lines and party politics.
THAT, in this regard, Wiper Democratic Movement-Kenya will soon be embarking on countrywide tours to sensitize the public on the need for unity.
THAT our Party Leader H.E. Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, and WDM-K are fully committed to working with H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta and Right Hon. Raila Odinga to see that the Building Bridges Initiative delivers the desired results.
THAT our Party Leader H.E. Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka as well as WDM-K and all our supporters, are fully committed to ensuring that the Kenyan Youth are fully engaged in meaningful, income-generating activities as well as receiving quality education, so that they can rightfully play their role as the true drivers of the Kenyan economy.
THAT we fully support the South Eastern Kenya Economic Block (SEKEB) as well as other Blocks that are geared towards improving the lives of Kenyans. However, such Blocks must not be used as podiums to do politics at the expense of development. In this regard, we urge all assemblies to enact policy and law to put life into the said economic block.
THAT we have mandated H.E. Hon. Kalonzo to be the Patron of the said SEKEB Block.
THAT we fully recognize and support our Leader H.E. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka in his quest oversee the unity of the South Eastern Region and that of the Kenya Nation in general. In this regard, we fully mandate H.E. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka to move ahead and seek and build political alliances with other like-minded leaders as we head towards 2022.

Read and Signed By:
February 8, 2019

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