Wiper says Kalonzo Musyoka growing stronger and stronger


His Excellency Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka and the entire Wiper Democratic Movement-Kenya fraternity take great exception to a story that appeared in the Daily Nation on Thursday this week, whereby it was claimed that the former Vice President is “a general without troops.”

Truth be told, that story was a long, long way off the mark, owing to its overly dramatized, if not comical, misrepresentation of facts.

The writer, in his zeal to score unwarranted points against Hon. Kalonzo, went on to cite an imaginary halt of political relationship between former Machakos Senator Johnston Muthama and Hon. Kalonzo.

For the avoidance of doubt, we categorically state that Hon. Muthama severed his relationship with the WDMK in the run-up to the 2017 General Election. He not only abandoned the Party in a huff on realizing that he could not be allowed to impose his preferred candidates for that election, but also failed to defend his senatorial seat on the Party’s ticket.

Hon. Muthama’s tantrums, however, never prevented the WDM-K from claiming its position as the third largest political party in terms of parliamentary strength after Jubilee and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM).

It follows, therefore, that Hon. Muthama’s “relocation” to Deputy President William Ruto’s camp is of little consequence to the fortunes of Hon. Musyoka and the WDM-K fraternity. Obviously, if Hon. Muthama has not been a factor in Wiper’s fortunes in the past three years, then he, definitely, will not be a factor along the same lines any time in the near future.

The story also talked about the intention of two of Ukambani’s three Governors to run for President. Fair enough! It is one thing to run for President, but quite a different one to make any significant impact. Hon. Kalonzo, the entire Wiper community, as well as millions of his followers, will greatly relish the opportunity to compete in the political arena that will separate boys from men, once and for all.

But even as naysayers continue to cast aspersions on Hon. Kalonzo and our Party, all indications point to the fact that the popularity of our Party Leader continues to rise and rise among his ardent supporters — his real troops. As we speak, hordes of supporters are flocking our offices countrywide seeking to register as WDM-K members.

It is no secret that many Kenyans highly acknowledge, admire, and greatly appreciate Hon. Kalonzo’s leadership and diplomatic credentials. He not only holds an enviable record in public leadership, but also possesses rare diplomatic skills that have helped bring peace to hitherto conflict-prone areas such as Somalia, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and which leadership and diplomatic credentials are direly needed in Kenya.

Concerning the relationship between Hon. Musyoka and Jubilee and ODM, we state categorically that Hon. Kalonzo “hana deni na mtu”. Our Party Leader is not indebted to anyone. In 2007 when Kenya was on the brink of a precipice, Hon. Kalonzo stepped in and helped President Mwai Kibaki to steady the boat when it was about to sink.

Twice — in 2013 and in 2017 — Hon. Kalonzo lined up behind Hon. Raila Odinga and supported him in his pursuit of the Presidency, albeit unsuccessfully. By so doing, Hon. Kalonzo fulfilled his desire of ensuring that no side of the political divide will ever blame him of never looking at the other side of the coin.

Kenya is a democratic country and as a Party, we can work with anybody who has Kenya’s interests at heart. From now onwards, we have chosen to work with President Uhuru Kenyatta, with whom we have a lot to put on the table to take Kenya to the next level and protect Wanjiku’s interests. Kenya, and indeed the whole world, is going through a lot of challenges and there is certainly no time for name-calling and “siasa mbaya”.

We at the WDM-K still believe it is too early to start politicking for 2022. At the moment, we are working on strengthening our Party. When the time for campaigns will be announced, then we shall throw our hats into the ring; but not before that.

To our detractors, we plead: Please allow us to work and build our country. Life is not a rehearsal, let us build a better country now for a better tomorrow.

What is not in doubt, however, is that Hon. Kalonzo is now, more than ever before, determined to cross the finish line in 2022. This is his time, and no amount of “planted stories” in the media will change that trajectory.


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